Erotic Massage

All bookings include a discussion of boundaries and consent.

My unique style is grounded in Kahuna. This modality makes use of full-body and under-body strokes, static pressure, stretches and breathwork. To deepen the experience, I also draw on a variety of somatic practices. I aim to cultivate relaxed arousal that culminates in ecstatic climax.

All participating humans reserve the right to withdraw consent for any specific act at any point in time.

100% respect for discretion.

No private phone numbers.

Vaccinated, ‘Prep’ed and screened regularly.

Pleasure Coaching

Free 30min consult.

Have you ever done a wine tasting course and developed a deeper appreciation for the incredible breadth of flavours to be discovered? What if the wine was your body and the flavour, sensation?

Using a combination of mindfulness, bodywork and embodied practice, I will coach you toward an increased capacity for pleasure. You will literally feel more!

Together we will explore self-pleasure, partner-pleasure, relationships, anatomy and beyond.

Singles, couples or polycules welcome.

What is sexological bodywork?

‘Bodywork’ is physical therapy that promotes wellbeing (e.g Osteopathy, Massage, Yoga etc.) . ‘Sexological’ bodywork is concerned with sex and sexuality.

The focus in this work is somatic learning‘Somatic’ means ‘of the body’. It is synonymous with ‘embodied’, meaning ‘existing in bodily form’.

E.g. Imagine trying to learn to ride a bicycle by reading a book or watching a video about it… The best way to learn is to get on the bike (with training wheels) and get a feel for it. This is somatic learning.


Why see a sexological bodyworker?

  • Early/delayed ejaculation. Erectile difficulty.
  • Pelvic pain or numbness. Pre-orgasmic (anorgasmia).
  • Miss-matched couples who desire more connection.
  • Change habitual or compulsive sexual patterns (eg. reduce use of porn/fantasy, diversify attraction, expand arousal).
  • Learn to experience more pleasure.
  • Learn genital anatomy
  • Scar remediation

Note: Sexological Bodywork operates under a strict ethical code. Clients must wait a minimum of 12 months from their last session before they can access any of the mutual touch services described on this website.

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